We are so impressed with the number of businesses in our neighborhood that we decided to take an inventory of just our block. Our block is bisected by a narrow alley-like street so this inventory includes places on this street also.
There are 3 clothing stores, 1 shoe store, 1 purse store, 1 bakery but 6 bakeries with cafes. There is 1 supermercado which are in reality the tiniest of grocery stores. There are 2 tobacco stores where one can also buy postage stamps. 1 paint store, 1 flower shop, 1 jamoneria (yes! a store that sells only ham!), 1 parking garage, 1 ice cream shop, 2 newsstands, 2 bookstores, 6 hair salons, 15 restaurants, 1 copy shop, 1 medical supply store, 2 offices for businesess of unknown type, 1 cheese store, 1 hotel, 1 wholesale barber supply and cell phone shop, 1 Metro stop, 1 candy store, 1 lottery store and 1 lottery kiosk, 1 jewelry store, 1 optical shop, 2 gift shops, 1 dressmaker shop, 1 upholstery shop, 2 shops with construction materials, and 39 doors to apartment buildings!!
There is a big market 2 blocks away that has a regular grocery store in the downstairs and market type stands upstairs that looks similar to this photo.
There are approximately 40 markets throughout the city. Here is one that is a little farther from our apartment. It is a beautiful building but an uphill bike ride all the way there.
Speaking of bike riding, there is a bike sharing service in Barcelona called “Bicing” that we love! There are are bike lots spread throughout the city. You pay about 50 € annualy and get a card that you use to check bikes in and out right at the lot. It is very similar to “Nice Ride” in Minnesota. There are many streets that have dedicated bike lanes, some of which are even 2 way!